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#2 Général » COPY Command with comma in string values - Postgresql 10 » 02/03/2018 00:07:06

Réponses : 2

-- I am trying to copy the contents of a dat file to a table in PostgreSQL but getting errors. The dat file has the following:

1, '{{text}},{{NoName}}:{test},{OneName}:{test}'

Table Schema:

Create Table TestInfo (ID int, TestValues text);

I run the following query:

COPY Test from '/opt/Data/TestInfo.dat' WITH DELIMITER AS ',' NULL AS '';

but get the following error

ERROR:  extra data after last expected column

Can some one please help me getting the contents of the dat file copied to the DB?


#4 Re : Général » initdb error on PostgreSQL 10 - RHEL 6 » 13/10/2017 16:27:00

By Local rep do you mean download the rpm's and then do a local install?

Sorry but I do not have much experience in Linux, that's why making sure.

Want to add one more thing here: I understand that this is a french website and I am not sure if I should be posting my questions here but honestly speaking this is the only website where people have helped me when I actually needed help. So, I am really thankful to you all for the comments.

#5 Re : Général » initdb error on PostgreSQL 10 - RHEL 6 » 13/10/2017 15:39:33

My RHEL system is not registered to Red Hat Subscription Management. I need to install it on some of the systems which wont be connected to the internet. Is there any other way except for YUM install?


#6 Re : Général » initdb error on PostgreSQL 10 - RHEL 6 » 12/10/2017 23:53:38

Thanks for the reply..

Ran this:

rpm -Uvh --force postgresql10-10.0-1PGDG.rhel6.x86_64.rpm

Got the following error:

error: Failed dependencies:
        libicu is needed by postgresql10-10.0-1PGDG.rhel6.x86_64

What do I do to resolve this issue? Please help.

#7 Général » initdb error on PostgreSQL 10 - RHEL 6 » 12/10/2017 22:53:17

Réponses : 9

Installed PostgreSQL 10 on RHEL 6 system by running the following commands:

rpm -Uvh --force --nodeps postgresql10-libs-10.0-1PGDG.rhel6.x86_64.rpm
rpm -Uvh --force --nodeps postgresql10-10.0-1PGDG.rhel6.x86_64.rpm
rpm -Uvh --force --nodeps postgresql10-server-10.0-1PGDG.rhel6.x86_64.rpm
rpm -Uvh --force --nodeps postgresql10-contrib-10.0-1PGDG.rhel6.x86_64.rpm

The tried to run initdb:

./initdb --locale=C --encoding=UTF-8 -D /opt/postgresql -U postgres

Getting the following error:

/usr/pgsql-10/bin/postgres: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
no data was returned by command ""/usr/pgsql-10/bin/postgres" -V"
The program "postgres" is needed by initdb but was not found in the
same directory as "/usr/pgsql-10/bin/initdb".
Check your installation.

Can someone please help resolve the problem here?


#9 Installation » Error during PostgreSQL 9.3 uninstall on Windows » 02/08/2017 17:34:00

Réponses : 1

I am trying to uninstall PostgreSQL 9.3 from a Windows 2012 server using the uninstall-postgresql.exe . During the uninstall, I get an error:

The uninstall-postgresql.dat file cannot be found and is required to uninstall the application, aborting. Uninstallation did not complete successfully

The uninstall-postgresql.dat exists. Not sure if its corrupt or something.

Is there anyway to get rid of this error message and still use the uninstall-postgresql.exe to uninstall the DB from the Windows system?


#11 Installation » Change the value of max_function_arg » 01/11/2016 20:41:42

Réponses : 2

Hi again,

I have a Stored Proc in PostgreSQL which now has more than 100 args. When I try to create this STP, I get an error "ERROR: functions cannot have more than 100 arguments".

I see that there is a Preset Option called "max_function_args" whose value is set to 100 by default.

Can someone tell me how to change the value of this "max_function_args" parameter (if possible) so that I can create the stored proc OR any other way to do the same?


#12 Re : Installation » Create PGSQL.5432.lock in /tmp instead of /var/run/postgresql » 25/10/2016 19:31:24

Thats why I post my questions here because I get all the answers.

Thank you so much rjuju.. Appreciate your help

#13 Installation » Create PGSQL.5432.lock in /tmp instead of /var/run/postgresql » 25/10/2016 17:48:17

Réponses : 3


I understand that this is a french blog but I this is the only place where I get answers so posting my question here:

I just started using PostgreSQL 9.5 and facing some problem with starting the DB service on RHEL6. I get the following error while trying to start the PostgreSQL service:

could not create lock file "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432.lock": Permission denied

I am not allowed to change any permissions under /var folder, so I wanted the lock file to be created under the /tmp directory instead. So I changed my Dbstart script and in postgresql.conf file, I changed:

#unix_socket_directories = '/var/run/postgresql, /tmp'


unix_socket_directories = '/tmp'

after initdb. Now the PostgreSQL service starts without any error however when i try to connect to the DB and create a DB or run any query, it gives me an error: psql:
could not connect to server: No such file or directory
    Is the server running locally and accepting
    connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?

I thought I already changed the unix_socket_directories to /tmp but it is still trying to create a lock file under /var/run/postgres .
Can someone please suggest how to create the socket and the PG locks under /tmp dir and not /var/run ?


#15 Re : Installation » initdb running while installing PostgreSQL 9.5 on Windows » 21/10/2016 17:08:33

Thanks for the info rjuju .. I am not looking for Binaries only. I am looking for the installer. If I use --extract-only option with the Postgresql95.exe it extracts out the Binaries and thats not what I am looking for.

When you install PostgreSQL using an installer, it adds the PostgreSQL entries into the registry and creates an Uninstaller.exe as well which is not done using Binaries. Also, I would need to install VC++ environment separately, which I dont want to do and thus using an installer.

I used the same script in PG9.3 and it only installed the DB onto the system. It did not create the DB service or run dbinit during the time of installation. So, I am looking for installting PostgreSQL 9.5 using the installer but want to skip the initdb and service creation part (If Possible).


#16 Installation » initdb running while installing PostgreSQL 9.5 on Windows » 21/10/2016 16:29:35

Réponses : 5

I had a question about PostgreSQL 9.5 installation on WIndows. I am trying to upgrade my server from PostgreSQL 9.3 to 9.5 and I noticed a difference while installing PG9.5 . I use this script to install PG 9.5 :

"postgresql-9.5.4-1.exe --serviceaccount postgres --servicepassword DataBase1 --servicename PostgreSQL95 --prefix C:\Database\postgresql --datadir C:\Database\datadir\postgresql --mode unattended"

When I execute this script, it runs the initdb, creates the DataDir (i.e. C:\Database\datadir\postgresql) , also creates the PostgreSQL95 service and starts it which was not the case with PostgreSQL 9.3 . I used the same script for 9.3 and it did not 1. Run the initdb and created the data directory 2. Register the DB service and start it during the time of installation.

I wanted to know if there is a way to just install PG9.5 without running initdb and getting the DB service registered?

I do not want to use the --extract-only option.


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